For Sale

 #1 in the series for sale!


We are proud to offer this one of a kind skull (our designs will never be repeated) as the first skull in our line.  Beautiful deep purple with lavender spur accents.  The skull is 21 inches long and features the word COURAGE in silver.  It has aurora borealis stones lining the eye sockets and nose.

$175.00 plus Shipping

As always all of our items can be custom ordered


See how our new skulls are progressing.  They will be for  sale soon.


#2 in our line.  Red, white and blue.  When it is complete it will feature  rhinestone eye sockets and nose.

Price TBD

The Black Pearl

#3 in our line.  The is a beautiful large heavy skull with the horns.  Watch as it progresses.

Price TBD